Seastar Blog

How to Find the Best Manufacturer of LiFePO4 Batteries

LiFePO4 Batteries are a newer iteration of battery packs that are revolutionizing the industry, with applications far and wide from use in electric vehicles to cutting-edge robotics. The LiFePO4 battery is a lithium iron phosphate battery that can be custom-made in a variety of sizes and shapes for a vast number of purposes, but knowing which LiFePO4 battery pack factory to get your batteries from can be a challenge in and of itself.

We’ve put together this blog to give you some guidance on how to find the best, most reliable LiFePO4 battery manufacturers, along with going into some more detail on the batteries themselves so you can feel more confident when buying them wholesale for your business.

Lithium Iron Phosphate vs Lithium Ion Batteries

Before you consider exactly where your batteries are coming from, it’s worth understanding the benefits of using LiFePO4 Batteries above typical lithium-ion batteries. The reason these batteries are taking over the industry is because of their efficiency, energy density, safety, and long cycle life.

Lithium-ion batteries degrade quicker, and can even be explosively dangerous, but lithium phosphate batteries like LiFePO4 will last up to 5000 cycles, working in almost any temperature condition with no risk of overheating or blowing up. Being a long-lasting, rechargeable battery option, they’re a better investment than lithium-ion batteries, along with being better for the environment.

What to Look for from a Manufacturer

When buying lithium batteries from China or any other wholesale market, there are a few things that you need to look for in a manufacturer. While LiFePO4 batteries are the best format for batteries currently on the market, they’re certainly not all created equally.

Some key traits of a good manufacturer include:

  • Experience & Certification
  • Clear & Transparent Manufacturing Processes
  • Variety of Options
  • Quality Battery Management Systems (BMS)

Experience & Certification

When searching for the right supplier of wholesale lithium batteries, you want to choose a company that’s earned its stripes through years of experience in the industry. While LiFePO4 Batteries are a relatively new technology (invented in 1997), it’s still worth looking for a company that’s been doing the job for 10 years or more.

Experience not only indicates a degree of skill and quality, but it also shows that the company has built up some trust within the industry over the years, with enough custom to keep its doors open. Along with experience, you should see if the company has earned requisite certifications such as ISO ratings in their tenure from third-party certification boards. These certifications indicate that a company has built up and maintained its own processes, along with consistently improving upon them.

Clear & Transparent Manufacturing Processes

While you can’t necessarily believe everything that you read from a business, a degree of transparency in a LiFePO4 battery factory is great for fostering a better sense of trust before making a purchase. When a brand pulls back the curtain to show you how they operate, especially with video footage and a good degree of detail, you can feel a little more confident before making your orders.

Steps in a good manufacturing process include:

● Data Collection
● Prototyping
● Customer Check-Ins
● Full-Scale Production
● Quality Control
● Ongoing Customer Service

Variety of Options

The nature of LiFePO4 batteries being so useful in such a variety of technologies and products means that you should always seek a manufacturer that can custom-make the batteries in a variety of voltages, shapes, and sizes for different purposes. LiFePO4 batteries can be used in military technology, as solar-powered units for electric bikes, or in medical products among many more, so the manufacturer that you choose needs to be adept at handling all sorts of requests.

Wholesaling is an adaptable business by nature, so you want to know for sure that the company you’re going with is capable of fulfilling all sorts of orders, whether the batteries need PCBs, PCMs, or any other specific features. This could mean selling either A123 or CATL batteries, along with more bespoke products.

Quality Battery Management Systems

Along with a generally effective battery, you need to choose a company that employs the use of premium BMSs, to ensure the safety and lasting power of the batteries you use in any of the products that they’re powering. This could mean using their own BMSs in the production process or providing them directly to you within a wholesale transaction, but either way, a good BMS will usually mean a good battery.


With LiFePO4 batteries being so popular in the modern marketplace, there are a number of different places that you can choose to get them from, but if you follow our criteria, you should be able to get the right batteries to suit your business’s needs. When looking for a brand that ticks all of the boxes, you could do a lot worse than our own batteries from Seastar Battery.


As a business, we’re certified in both ISO 9001 and 14001:2015, with 12 years in the industry, along with fruitful collaborations with companies such as Build Your Dreams, CATL, A123, and LISHEN. We’re proud of our capacity to produce quality LiFePO4 batteries for a wide range of different purposes, meaning that whatever your business requirements, we’re up to the task. Along with all of this, our production process is transparent and collaborative, with feedback and prototypes provided throughout.

For a LiFePO4 battery that you can trust, check out our website today

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